Resume and Interview Tips from Accenture

  • Here are the tips given by Accenture for a successful Interview.How to write a great resume?How to build your interview skills and more.
  • What are the Do’s and Don’ts during interview are given by Accenture?
Accenture Resume Interview Tips

How to avoid mistakes  on resume

  • According to Accenture ,instead of  career objective wants to be a professional summary in resume
  •  Not only  Highlight job duties  also include Achievements which makes strength to the resume
  • Avoid grammatical mistakes and typos because it makes employer to have less attention with resume
What is Typos?
Typos nothing but a spelling mistake while typing.For example chances to type in keyboard ”yuo instead of you”eventhough we know about the correct spelling.
  • Don’t try to give wide scope why you are right for this job.Because professional summary itself tells the thing.
  • Avoid graphics,colour in resume.Because chances for resume to be non-eligible if companies use scanning systems or applicant tracking system.Some scanning systems may not  recognize graphics or coloured resume.

Interview Tips by Accenture

  • Dress professionally and arrive early.
  • Test the directions to the interview location, if possible, and plan to arrive well in advance.
  • Use appropriate language (verbal and non-verbal).
  • Answer all questions and listen carefully.
  • Prepare questions about the role for which you are applying.
  • Talk about YOU, not others (avoid “We”).
  • Show self-confidence, enthusiasm and a good attitude—state that you want the job.
  • At the end of the interview, ask about the next step in the process.
  • Follow-up with your interviewer with an email or hand-written note.

Click here to go Accenture Career Coach-A place to watch,read,learn for resume interview tips


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