Interview guide by Oracle

  • Hi friends,here I would like to share about interview guide given by oracle.
  • The PDF itself have over all informations about careers .At the same time I want share some of the important points regarding resume and interview process in that PDF given by oracle.
Oracle interview guide

Resume tips given by Oracle

  • Before writing resume Oracle suggesting these things to consider
  • Research yourself
  • Research the position
  • Research the organization

  • And a resume which summarize basic information,job objectives,eduction background,experience,skills and abilities looks great.
  • While writing your skills and abilities give priority according to the jobposition.When higher priority nearly matches job position will get better results.

Interview tips given by Oracle

  • Day before night of interview sleep well and be relaxed.
  • Have a good breakfast which is a need one and also good for health
  • Don’t forget to take necessary documents.And if possible also bring rough papers,glue-stick,a stapler.Sometimes these things are needed.
  • Don’t forget to switch off the mobile phone before attending interview.
  • Have a good attention with interviewer,because he will evaluate your body language,appearance,mannerisms and way you have dressed.
The interview process will be different sometimes.
They are,
  • Telephone interview are used to check whether the person meets the eligible criteria and why he want to work
  • Behavioral interview is how you are answering for questions in different situations.So prepare some questions and make a rehearse with friends.
An example question for Behavioral interview
  • Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult co-worker or customer?

  • Group interview is used to check how you interact with others in a group problem solving-sessions
  • Technicnal Aptitude is used to check your capability in work and learning new technology.

Kindly note that this PDF provided only for 

information purpose and to help students 

who find to difficult this PDF .

  • To download PDF,click below link and PDF opens in new tab.
  • In that new tab,click File and finally click "download" to start downlaod.
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