
SanminaSci jobsearch
Sanmina was founded in the year 1980 at Silicon valley .And it combines with SCI in the year 2001.
The founders were MilanMandaric where Jure sola was co-founder and CEO.  
Head quarter is at California,United States.
The industry type is manufacturer in electronics and mechanical products in the world.

Links to Sanmina-Sci:

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Career page
After clicking career page select your job category and location .If the requirement satisfies then proceed to fill your details.

Manual search to Sanmina -Sci :

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Goto which is the home page.
On the top-menu bar of  click company profile.
At company profile page ,on left side bar click careers.
After clicking career page select your job category and location .If the requirement satisfies then proceed to fill your details.
You can also email job to a friend if the requirements satisfies your friends profile

More about Sanmina-Sci:

Sanmina-Sci industries are Medical systems ,Communications Networks,Medical Systems  Defense & Aerospace Systems,Industrial & Semiconductor,Enterprise Computing & Storage,Clean Technology,Multimedia, Automotive.
Sanmina-Sci end to end services are logistics,design and engineering,electronics manufacturing.The solutions provided by Sanmina-Sci  optical RF microwave and mechanical systems.
Sanmina-Sci is the most advanced global supply chain solution partne.Sanmina-Sci works on technology components Complex multi-layered printed circuit boards,Backplanes,Cables,Enclosures, machining, casting & plastics,SSD and DRAM,optical modules.
Sanmina-Sci  company is one of the world’s largest independent manufacturer of  backplanes.More than 40,000 employees are working at Sanmina-Sci in more than twenty countries which is in six continents.

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