
Create JobAccount Huawei

Huawei was founded in the year 1987 by Ren Zhengfei .
Head quarter is at Shenzhen ,China
The industry type is Information and Communication Technology solution provider.

Links to Huawei:

Home Page
Career Page
Then ,
In the careers page ,in the search box click huawei device jobs or other jobs
If you click huawei device jobs,it goes to a page with two options serach jobs and submit resume.Click on submit resume and proceed to create an account.
If you click other jobs, it goes to a page where you can find register on left side bar and proceed to create an account by providing email.

Manual Search to create job account in Huawei Company:

If the link not opens try the following procedures,
Goto homepage of huawei
On the horizontal menu bar, choose JoinUs and in its dropdown menu click careers
In the careers page ,in the search box click huawei device jobs or other jobs
If you click huawei device jobs,it goes to a page with two options serach jobs and submit resume.Click on submit resume and proceed to create an account.
If you click other jobs, it goes to a page where you can find register on left side bar and proceed to create an account by providing email.

Vision and mission of Huawei company:

To enrich life through communication.
To focus on our customers' market challenges and needs by providing excellent ICT solutions and services in order to consistently create maximum value for our customers.

Jobfields taking in Huawei Company:

Human resource
Legal Affairs
Administration and Business Service
Supply chain
Project Management
Public Relations
Business Process,Quality and Business Control

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